Commission A Portrait

Ready to get custom artwork made? Keep reading to learn all about the process!

Savor the celebration with the

luxury portrait experience.


Each session begins before the glam and custom set. It starts with me getting to know you and how I can make your portrait experience fun, comfortable and visually stunning. I collaborate with each of my clients and want to give you the best experience possible.

Once we talk I get to work. I like to start by looking at inspiration such as art pieces, unique lighting and more. I even sketch out set ideas and the final image look. I then share the plan with you and get your feedback.

I handle venue booking, lighting, set design and keeping everything on track. Getting in front of the camera can be nerve wracking but I promise preparing will put your mind at ease.


The Day Of

On the day of the session we get to the exciting part! putting the vision together! Once you are dressed perfectly we get to the fun part. Capturing you through guided poses. I may adjust lights, fix backgrounds or touch up a stray hair. This is the time where we don’t rush. Taking our time creates the best work. We can relax and enjoy. An optional mirror can be provided so you can see yourself pose if you would like.


Post Processing

It’s time to breathe easy because the hard part is over. I will take you r selected images and process them. I add just a little retouching of colors, lighting and any details that detract. I then polish the file and have it printed and framed or printed and bound. Each session includes a digital high resolution file for you to share however you wish.

Finally once your art has been delivered I will schedule time to follow up and make sure you love your work!